I find that in my work there is a curious propensity for kinds of work to go in phases.
Sometimes its several floorcloths in a row.
Or lots of fabric.
At the moment it's tiles.
And ceramics.
Since finishing this project last week, I am now working on a quantity of mugs and other table ware for the Christmas present season.
But more on that next time.
Here are the tiles ready for glazing.

Here is the glazing process - the first coat.

And the last coat, 3 or 4 coats later.
The design colours should not be visible through the glaze, although the raised parts will show through, dimensionally

Another very successful firing!

These tiles will probably not be installed all together, but more likely spotted around in a wall of plain field tiles.
They are for a client who had similar tiles installed into a home that has subsequently been sold. They were so sad to leave the tiles behind, they have comissioned me to make another batch to install in their next home!

Its always fun to see what wierd things you can do with the pattern!

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