Floorcloth finally finished! (A while ago!)

Here is a very belated update on the latest floorcloth, now finished and delivered.
Its not easy to blog all the time. I just never got around to it this project. Oh well!

Here you see the
Machu Pichu section in progress...

And here is a view of the whole thing, all the areas completed at last!

''Switzerland'' turned out well!

The last detail was to paint in decorative scale lines like you would see in an Atlas or on a map, as borders between the sections.

When the piece is varnished, the gold and silver lines stand out nicely, as do the fish.
The map of Kilimanjaro is a nice touch....heavily protected with a special clear coat, and then lots of varnish. it should hold up just fine to foot traffic.

The final step is to trim the
floorcloth and seal the edges.
I use a very sharp mat knife, and a long, metal, straight-edge ruler.

Then I seal the raw edge with a mixture of adhesive and a suitable colour paint. Here you can see the white unsealed part. Unfortunately the colour I chose looks like blood! Its not; its paint. Sorry for the bad choice for this photo essay!

I find sealing the edges this way a better system that folding over and hemming or
glueing the edges, as some makers do. The folded edge often wears on the thick part and looks bad.