Saturday, April 30, 2011

Seashore Pillows

This is what I am working on now. Four pillows depicting sea shore animals, some on land some from the water, and some that go back and forth! The fourth one, not finished
yet, and not shown here, is a crab.
The backs are stripped fabric, and there will be a fat, fabric covered piping around each one.

The pillows are commissioned based on a group of pillows I did some years ago. Its sort of hard, and then sort of easier to match previous some ways, the new ones are much better. I like to think my skills improve...but the originals were very good too. Not requested this time around are the gull, the hogfish (wrass) and the view of the birds' feet on the sand. Have you ever seen how seabirds often stand on their own feet, and have trouble getting going walking from that pose? Pretty funny.

1 comment:

  1. These pillows are fantastic. You are such a great artist. I love the one of the turtle. It looks so 3D. But the seahorse has so much detail, and I'm sure that must have been much harder to do.
    Great stuff!
