Thursday, January 20, 2011

Painted Chairs From Ocotober

This was a daunting pile of chairs to contemplate painting many, many colours onto.
First they all had to be primed very thoroughly, especially since the subsequent painting was going to be flat colour. I didnt want any of the initial pattern showing through.

The colours I was to use were all wonderful, and I enjoyed this job, even though it wasnt my usual expressive work.

Every time I added a colour or put on a new coat I had to be very meticulous to avoid drips, sloppy was painstaking work, for me.

But seeing these colours vibrate against each other was some reward for my care.

I painted them in batches.
Then, when they were all done, I had to store them to await pick-up... That was interesting (!) and provided some fun photo ideas I couldnt resist. I took dozens of pictures, all about colour, and those goofy fish swimming in schools all around the room!

Here are the fabrics that will be upholstered onto the seat cushions, later. pretty bright stuff!

Finally pick up day arrived. I must say, they looked great loaded into the van!

Fun stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:36 pm

    How fun! People will smile at these!
    Well done honey!
